Site Bidding

Setting Site Bids

Site Bids are set on the Sites Report in the Campaign Details page. Click here to learn more about the sites report, and click here to learn more about the Campaign Details page.

Gemini has its own set of rules when it comes to site bidding. To learn more about site bidding with Gemini campaigns click here.
Revcontent uses widgets, not sites, for bidding. You can bid similarly with Widgets just like you would on the sites report for Revcontent campaigns.

To update a site bid, enter the new bid amount and click on the Update Site CPC button. A message will display that the site bid has been updated successfully.

Taboola updates their UI after long delays, and the values for site bidding may not be accurately reflecting the current bid inside of their site report UI.

Site bidding overrides campaign CPC. If a site has a different bid on it than the campaign CPC, the site will attempt to bid on that value. The site bid must meet the network multiplier range. It also follows Site Bid Logic, meaning it can change when campaign CPC changes.

Site bids allow you to bid a different CPC amount for specific sites individually. This allows the flexibility to bid higher on better performing sites for the campaign, and also setting lower bids for lower performing sites.

Currently there is no site bidding for Content.Ad.

Site Bid Dependency

With the exception of RevContent, the value of the site bid is dependent of the campaign CPC and uses a percentage modifier.

Campaign Lowest Bid
Site Lowest Bid
Site Bid Limits

Click here to learn more about Gemini Site Bidding.

Site bids for Outbrain may appear temporarily at a CPC value outside the lowest and highest bid due to site bids and campaign CPC updates happening separately. The campaign CPC update will follow within one minute and site bids will correct themselves to back inside the appropriate high/low bid amounts.

Network Site Bid Limits

If there is a network limitation on the number of individual site bids that can be made, the limits are displayed next to the Sites tab.

Network Site Bid Limit Site Block Limit
Taboola 3000 1500
Outbrain 1000 100
Gemini 300 -

Removing Site Bids

To remove a Site Bid, click the Remove Site Bid button from the sites dropdown.

To remove a site from the total bid limitation if it is blocked:

  1. Unblock the site
  2. Click the Remove Site Bid button
  3. Block the site again

Site Bidding Logic

Site bidding is based on a multiplier of the campaign CPC. This means that changes made to campaign CPC after the site bid has been made will also change the site bid amount as well.

In this example, we have a Campaign CPC of $.05.

The current Site Bid CPC is $0.05 for the site "MSN - US":

We want to set the site bid to $0.10, so we enter that and click the Update Bid button. After updating we see that is is now set to $0.10:

Maximus has added a 100% multiplier to this site to reach the Site Bid CPC.

If we then change the Campaign CPC to $0.06 in Edit CPC Field in the At A Glance:

Since there was a 100% multiplier in effect for this site, the Site Bid is now $0.12 for "MSN - US".

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